Nostalgia Pack Podcast

The Midnight Drive - Broadcast 1: Disturbingly Beautiful



The Midnight Drive is a music podcast. Broadcast 1: Disturbingly Beautiful Not all horror music is heavy on the ears. These compositions range from the whimsical to the downright haunting. In this first broadcast of The Midnight Drive, we tackle the songs that are both: unnerving and easy on the ears. 1. Deep Red (Profondo Rosso): School At Night (echo lullaby) Goblin and Giorgio Gaslini 2. Candyman - It Was Always You, Helen Philip Glass 3. Dead Silence - Main Titles Charlie Clouser 4.Theme from Puppet Master Richard Band 5. Phantasm - Main Theme Fred Myrow and Malcom Seagrave 6. Pans Labyrinth - Long, Long Time Ago Javier Navarrete 7. Drag Me To Hell - Drag Me To Hell Christopher Young 8. O Willow Waly - The Innocents as performed by Isla Cameron 9. The Theme to Twin Peaks Angelo Badalamenti 10. Resident Evil - Save Room Makoto Tomozawa Koichi Hiroki Masami Ueda 11. Resident Evil 2 - RPD THE FRONT HALL Masami Ueda Shusaku Uchiyama Shun Nishigaki 12. Silent Hill - Opening Theme Akira Yamaoka 1