Dm Lawrence, The Humanitarian Afro-rights Activist

Colorism Blues/Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)



The Black Equalist (TBE) is another compilation of speeches and essays created by human (Afro) rights activist, DM Lawrence. TBE is a mixtape/audiobook/podcast about social, economic, and political issues in America and internationally. The purpose of this project is to introduce DM Lawrence's Pan-African philosophy of Black Equalism, which focuses on the fact that despite our social, economic, and political status - all people are equal. Moreover, "Black", "white", and race are not real but social constructions created to compel people to dislike "Black/black" (non-white) people. All in all, DM Lawrence attacks the dividers of people and social constructs and systems/practices (colorism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, poverty, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, region/geography), that are created to hold people back and maintain the status quo.