Beer Guys Radio - Highlights

Sergio Moutela - Melovino Meadery



New Jersey's first meadery was founded by a dream of Sergio Moutela...and a Kickstarter campaign.   Now, Melovino Meadery has been served in New York's famous James Beard House, and won multiple awards.   Moutela openly shares his passion and knowledge with others in the pursuit of making better mead. He is the author of Mead Made Right and the TOSNA method of advanced nutrient additions in mead making.   Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors of the American Mead Makers Association, and in 2017, Melovino became the most award winning meadery at the Mazer Cup International, the largest mead competition in the world.   We talk to Moutela about his drive to help change New Jersey law. Plus, we'll talk about making mead, and his new venture, The Mead Bar.