School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#156 How to know if you’re WINNING in life



How do you know if you’re winning in life? It’s Easier in sports where there’s a scoreboard, but even that isn’t always reflective of true winning. You might lose the game but still be winning in personal improvements, performance, effort, giving your best, sportsmanship, integrity, grit, etc What about each of the areas of your life? How do you know if you’re winning? Do you have a scoreboard? Are you keeping score? In what ways? Are you trying to compete with others or with yourself, or with an ideal? Some are not keeping score at all. They have no idea how they’re doing. They don’t think about it; they don’t measure it; they’re so distracted, or unconscious, or in survival mode, or on autopilot, that they have no clear picture of how they’re doing. Some are even against keeping score at all. They may not like the idea of tracking, measuring, or scoring. You can’t master what you don’t measure! I’m choosing to win as a man! As a man. That includes several roles. I’m not trying to only win in busi