School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#153 Being a Good Person Won’t Be Enough



Being good is not enough Most of our default thinking is that if we’re a good person it will be enough. That’s just not true! You can be a good person and a piss poor husband You can be a good person and a lousy lover You can be a good person and a poor loser You could be a good person and be terribly unproductive You can be a good person and a lousy listener You could be a good person distracted absent father You can be a good person and a terrible businessman You can be a good person and a very Foolish investor You can be a good person and a flimsy friend You can be a good person and an unresponsive son You can be a good person and totally ignorant and uneducated You can be a good person and clueless to what’s going on around you and the needs of other people Now if you’re not good at tennis, that’s OK. If you want to be good at it you can work on it. If you don’t want to be good at it then you don’t have to do anything. But that’s not true of the other areas of your life like marriage and parenting a