Enterprising Individuals

Season 5, Episode 11 “Timeless" (VOY) with Fred Love



Break out the ice picks because we're diving into "Timeless"!Writer and musician Fred Love joins the show this week to discuss an episode of Star Trek: Voyager that finds Harry Kim at a crossroads. Ensign Kim has helped design a quantum slipstream drive that could shave decades off of Voyager's journey. But when the drive destroys Voyager and her crew, an older and more embittered Harry enacts a plan to sacrifice himself and 15 years of history for a chance to erase his biggest mistake!Harry Kim doesn't get enough credit (or promotions). He was an instrumental part in the success of Starfleet's most amazing mission: crossing our entire galaxy. But Harry Kim would never think to complain, or be ungrateful, or argue that the universe owes him something. He just wants to be the best Starfleet officer he can be, not just for the good of the Federation, but to satisfy the expectations he's lived with all his life. Prodigies enjoy successes, but it's the failures they can't let go of. On this episode, we talk about