Enterprising Individuals

Season 4, Episode 17 “Rejoined" (DS9) with Eleanor Tremeer



Get ready to confront your complicated romantic past as we become "Rejoined"!Writer Eleanor Tremeer rejoins the show this week to discuss an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine that explores Star Trek's commitment to personal freedom. Dax is taken aback when she is reunited with her ex-wife, the brilliant scientist Lenara Kahn. Can she sort out her feelings for her former spouse before a dangerous wormhole experiment threatens to consume the ship, her erstwhile paramour, and their history?Star Trek is a laboratory where sci-fi writers can turn our contemporary problems into compelling explorations of the human experience. '90s Trek often tried and failed to represent the experience of LGBT+ individuals, but "Rejoined" represents a high-water mark for the franchise's attempt to humanize gay characters. On this episode, we talk about making good on Roddenberry's promise of equality, the inherent social consciousness of Trek, the gunshy network executives who held the franchise back, Trek's clinging heteronorm