Enterprising Individuals

Season 4, Episode 15 “Emissary" (DS9) with Derek Tyler Attico



Get ready to boldly stay as we meet with "Emissary"!Author, essayist, and photographer Derek Tyler Attico joins the show the week to discuss the premiere episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a series that bravely broke from the established formula of Trek to create the future of the franchise! When Benjamin Sisko arrives on Deep Space Nine, he's a grieving single father who is questioning his future in Starfleet. But when a startling discovery in Bajoran space promises to change the balance of power in the quadrant, he must put aside his doubt and lead his crew and the Bajoran people to a new destiny!DS9 grew from a risky spin-off show to one of the highlights of the Trek franchise, presenting a richly embroidered world that made TOS and TNG's allegories explicit and led to more mature storytelling in Trek. It was a series that thrived under its seeming limitations and excelled at mining real-world issues and ills for story potential. On this episode, we talk about how DS9 broke from the "seven people on a