Enterprising Individuals

Season 4, Episode 12 “The Visitor" (DS9) with Jim Johnson



Get your hankies ready this week as we receive "The Visitor"!Author and Star Trek Adventures line editor Jim Johnson joins the show to discuss one of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's most affecting hours. An accident aboard the Defiant causes Sisko to be lost in time and Jake must struggle to overcome the loss of his father. As the years pass and Jake gets older, he sees his contentment, his family, his health, and his future being stripped away, as he contemplates a fatal solution that could bring back his father and correct the tragedy that forever altered their destinies!DS9 was far ahead of its time, both for portraying a black family in science fiction and for having the courage to present stories about love and family against the backdrop of space military sci-fi. It also featured Jake as an unlikely sci-fi hero, a creative with no desire to fight or explore space, choosing instead to explore his own creative limits. During our discussion, we talk about DS9's own take on "The Inner Light" and how it contras