Enterprising Individuals

Season 4, Episode 9.5 Star Trek: Discoverage! Discovery Season Two Revisited



We beam ourselves into ourselves this week so we can relive Star Trek: Discovery Season 2! Author Dave Galanter and podcaster Aly Martinez aka the 23 Year Old Trekkie join your hosts Aaron and Ella as we look back at the highs and lows of Disco's second go around. Over the course of the episode, we discuss the way narrative storytelling has changed on TV and on Trek, revisiting and refreshing classic stories and characters, the continuing development of Michael Burnham as a new kind of Trek protagonist, the pitch perfect portrayals of Pike and Spock, whether Disco will every return from the 32nd century, the continuation of Discovery as a leader in minority representation in genre TV, and we speculate on what's coming up in Season 3!We also talk about the new Trek shows in development, rebooting Spock's brain, the longest "Last Time On" in TV history, slight Endgame spoilers, the "new" Saru, what's up with the haters, the future of the future, is Control Skynet?, pet mugatos, fancy ham, Dave explains the sign