Enterprising Individuals

Season 4, Episode 4.5 Supplemental: TNG is Peak Trek with Robert Evans



Pull on your skant and replicate a pile of Demerol as we look at the enduring vision and appeal of TNG! Writer and "Behind the Bastards" host Robert Evans joins the show to talk about Star Trek: The Next Generation and how it still hits the spot, over 30 years past its debut. We talk about Robert's sci-fi past, the optimism at the heart of TNG and Trek, leaning into your permissive utopia vis-a-vis more sex and drugs, the themes future Treks should be covering, the state of journalism in the 24th century, Herzog's cry for "adequate images", and how Trek can get us out of the predicament we're in.Plus, we discuss the dearth of sci-fi comedy, why mankind built cities to throw bigger parties, whether utopian art is any good, the state of the sex toy market in the 24th century, "Rolling with Troi", the perils of a new boss, silent orphans in dark rooms, Aaron wonders if TNG is an alternate universe, and Robert remembers mowing lawns for the Emprah!Picard better be dropkickin' some dudes in his new show!Catch up w