Vici Mundum




Fr. Cassidy Stinson from the Big Tree shared a tweet that went viral. So, the Vici Mundum Show and the Big Tree teamed up to #BreakTheChains. Here is Fr. Cassidy's tweet which summarizes this week's episode:"Hey. We need to talk about something.Pornography.I knew this before I became a priest, but now it’s become all the more clear to me that this is an absolute scourge for so, so many of us, spiritually and psychologically.And you know what? I’m tired of it.I’m tired of seeing so many souls caught in shame and isolation and despair.I’m tired of the wounds it inflicts on our culture, on relationships, on families.I’m tired of the way it makes our media, which ought to be vehicles of beauty, into cesspools of spiritual corruption.I think we do a good job of supporting each other when we’re open about that struggle, but we can do more.Specifically, I think we need to be praying FOR everyone currently suffering from the addictions and habits of using pornography - and for everyone caught in that i