Divine Joy Circle

Joyful Connections with Nalini on Field Tuning and Creating with Light



If you're curious how to make the shift to creating what you want as the light and joy you are in these new energies, then you'll love today's special conversation. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for this soulful Joyful Connections episode with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning. If you've been used to focusing on what needs to be dissolved because it's not working and you find that certain things just won't move then there's a place in you that won't move.  This is where sound and light field tuning comes in so that you can create with light as the light and joy you are. Find out what field tuning is and how this bypasses the conscious mind for quick shifts.  This is the way star streams learn as you remember to be held in the field of light when everything is new and unknown so that you can BE that field of joy and create what truly resonates. To experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com and for Creating with Light and other resources and support