Divine Joy Circle

The Importance of Physical Clearing



With the intense energy activations and shifts taking place within our physical bodies, it seems to be more important than ever to clear your energy at a physical level. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about the ways old contracts, promises, pledges, and agreements may be stuck in your physical body and creating discomfort. For many on a path of awakening it is way more comfortable to spend time in spiritual realms than to BE fully present within the physical body. And yet, we live in unprecedented times where we have the opportunity to embody our divinity, to BE heaven on earth here and now. That calls for a willingness to let go of the outdated stories that have prevented us from fully embodying and expressing our brilliance. The most exciting adventure we ever signed up for! Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.