Divine Joy Circle

Joyful Connections Sacred Spirit Journeys with Marianne Soucy



Have you ever grieved the loss of a loved one, whether a pet or a person? Imagine receiving a comforting message from them to let you know you're still connected...  Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for a Joyful Connections soulful conversation with my beautiful guest, Marianne Soucy. She shares how the loss of one her cats led to taking Sacred Spirit Journeys and sharing messages of love and support from animals and spirit guides. I loved her story of the red hot air balloon and how signs show up everywhere. Plus she shares some wonderful tips on dealing with overwhelm and how to get out of your own way. As she said so poignantly: If the inner work is not done, then it's hard to move forward in the outer world. Find out more and connect with Marianne at http://healingpetloss.com or http://giveyourdreamwings.com Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.