Legal Aid Nsw. Law For Community Workers On The Go

Street wise behind the wheel - keeping young drivers on the road



In this episode we speak with Jane Sanders, Principal Solicitor, The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre about what young drivers need to know about traffic law and how to deal with things that can take them off the road like fines, licence suspensions and licence disqualifications. Jane also gives her top tips for going to Court and dealing with the Police if pulled over. Below are timestamps for some of the key messages and links to resources talked about in the episode. 2:30       Information about The Shopfront and who they help 10:15    Which Court is my traffic matter heard in? 12:15    Traffic fines 14:00    Licence suspensions 19:15    Licence disqualifications 24:30    Going to Court for your traffic matter 29:15    Police Powers The Shopfront – Factsheets about Traffic law 1 – Getting a driver licence in NSW 3 – Driving without a licence 4 – Licence suspensions and appeals 7 – Serious traffic offences and courts Free legal help - Traffic Offences The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre - https://www