Legal Aid Nsw. Law For Community Workers On The Go

There‘s more time to tell your story to the Disability Royal Commission - who can help?



In this episode we talk to Sifa Mtango, Senior Solicitor from the Your Story Disability Legal Support Service about how they are helping people with disability, their families, carers and support workers to tell their stories to the Disability Royal Commission. The exciting news is that the Disability Royal Commission has been extended until September 2023, so there is time to get in touch with Your Story and find out the best way to make your submission  Use the links below to find out more information about what we talked about in this episode: Your Story Disability Legal Support Service - Phone 1800 77 1800 or use the National Relay Service to make a call- Email: Recorded webinars and videos to explain more about Your Story Disability Legal Support available in this Legal Aid NSW YouTube playlist: