Around The World With Dan Perry

#43: Talking North Korea with Jeremiah Jenne



Tensions have been rising on the Korean peninsula. What are our options? My guest Jeremiah Jenne is a historian living in Beijing. He has been to North Korea multiple times, including just a few weeks ago (I have been there as well). Jeremiah laid out three potential military strategies for the US to intervene in North Korea; unfortunately, all of these options are various shades of terrible. He also talked about diplomatic strategies, which also are controversial and risky. Jeremiah has several other projects in Beijing. He runs a small company called Beijing by Foot, which gives walking tours of historical sites in Beijing. I went on one of these tours to the Summer Palace and thoroughly enjoyed it; highly recommended for anyone who wants a taste of old Peking. Jeremiah's blog is Jottings from the Granite Studio. This includes the writing he does for other publications, as well as his Podcast, “Barbarians at the Gate.”