The Top 1% Sellers Podcast

Ayman Sawaf Talks on Top 1% Sellers' Emotional Intelligence



Welcome to the Top 1% Sellers Factory Podcast: The Top 1% Sellers Factory Podcast is for the sales professional and leaders community. We host top 1% sellers, discuss the secrets behind their success and what you can do to join their ranks. We focus on the top 20% of sellers and help many of them become Top 1% Sellers. We believe you can too. You can also learn about our upcoming top 1% sellers membership community here: In this episode, my guest Ayman Sawaf. Ayman is one of the original creators of the disciplines now known as Emotional Literacy (EL). He is also attributed as an early pioneer in emotional intelligence (EQ), co-creator of the four cornerstone model and its application in business, as illustrated in his book with Dr. Robert Cooper, Executive EQ. He has spent the last 16 years building the evolutionary foundation for new systems and industries that are expected to monetize the ability of these perspectives to optimize human capital; by providing new maps to evolve our rela