Expand The Business With Casey Eberhart

The 3 parts of EVERY sale.... A-P-A Episode 13



Howdy~~ I am really excited to have you join me tonight on The Expand The Business Podcast! Well, here at Expand The Business we concentrate on two things. 1. Saving People Time and 2. Making people/businesses more money. This podcast LIVE podcast is going to be quite good if I do say so myself. We are going to increase your SALES! There are 3 parts to every sale and tonight I will break each one down and give you some examples on each section. A-P-A Ask Present Ask "ASK" is Step 1. You must ASK your prospect if they are even interested in hearing about your product, good or service. (We will go deeper tonight on all 3) We will be doing this podcast live and would love to have your energy with us!! Also, you might know this already but I run a private mastermind/training/coaching/accountability group. If you are committed to producing EXTRAORDINARY results, it might be a good fit. Happy to chat with you about it, just respond here and hit me up.   Casey P.S. If I could show you a way to make money with your s