Nerd For A Living

Flora Lichtman – host of "Every Little Thing" from Gimlet Media



Our guest this episode is Flora Lichtman, host of the new podcast Every Little Thing from Gimlet Media. It’s the kind of podcast we love - peeking through the keyhole to unlock the secrets and stories behind the obscure, seemingly mundane, or delightfully bizarre aspects of our world. Their episodes have explored the cult-like following of the solar eclipse, the weird supply stashes the US government hides around the country, and the fascinating origins of the common office plant. Every story is told with wit and whimsy, featuring interviews that inform and entertain. Before hosting Every Little Thing, Flora wrote for Bill Nye Saves the World on Netflix, worked for public radio’s popular Science Friday, and co-directed an Emmy-nominated series of short animated documentaries for the New York Times. She’s made her career creating compelling stories woven from science fact and fueled by endless curiosity. We discuss the fun and challenges of making Every Little Thing, and how she discovered that journalism and