Nerd For A Living

From the Archive: Alan Moore, Comic Creator - Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell, Lost Girls



Several years ago, while working in broadcast radio, Adron received the amazing opportunity to interview comics luminary Alan Moore. The acclaimed British scribe was promoting his then-latest book, the controversial Lost Girls. Adron’s 40-minute interview with Moore covers that 3-volume work of “literary erotica” as well as his other comic masterworks Watchmen, V for Vendetta and much more. Writers and sequential artists should be particularly interested to hear Moore’s thoughts on creating comics, artist collaborations and the time investment to produce Lost Girls. The original interview was recorded in 2008, but Moore is a fascinating speaker and his comments are still relevant to comic creators – and the greater comics audience – today. Nerd For A Living podcast host Adron Buske was previously the producer for Rocketbot Radio, a podcast for comic creators of all ages, skills and genres at the now defunct This episode, with Rocketbot cohost Gene Kelly, originally ran on Rocketbot Radio.