Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

24. Isaac Butts



Isaac is the president of Wake up Nation Foundation. A fun fact about Isaac is that he eats way too many cookies and must have his cookies and milk before bedtime! Wake up Nation Foundation raises money for kids who find leadership opportunities. Wake up Nation is his speaking company. Isaac travels all over the Pacific Northwest to speak to kids in school. Isaac is spread thin as he is also VP of Marketing for a growing medical company. Isaac was raised here in Richland. He believes that pouring his heart and his message into this generation is so important because there are a lot of distractions that are trying to deter this upcoming generation from its course. He feels like it’s our responsibility as an older generation to pour into them. When putting together a team, he must know who they are as a person. He needs to know that they have integrity and a servanthood mentality. You must identify your why and align with people that share the same passion. They need to be bleeding his vision. Isaac was so eage