Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

#18 Brad Sawatzke



Brad Sawatzke is the CEO of Energy Northwest. Something funny about Brad is that he has been blessed with many things in life and being a Minnesota Vikings fan is not one of them! Prior to his current position he worked at Montecello nuclear power plant for 30 years and was going to retire. He was recruited to his current position and since his kids were grown, he thought it would be a great part of the country for him and his wife to live. In your career, be open. He was going to continue his path in operations in his earlier career when a colleague pulled him aside and said, you really need to broaden your experience base if you want to be a plant manager one day. He took that advice and switched from operations to maintenance and it was the best decision he ever made career wise. When hiring the team that will surround him, Brad looks at attitude, and what are their thoughts on leadership? How do they treat their people? With encouragement, there is lasting results. He looks for people that are willing to