Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

#14 Tyler Best, President/Owner of Abadan



Tyler Best is the President/Owner of Abadan. Fun fact about Tyler is that he is an Alumni of Whitworth University where Paul’s son attends college, is also an avid sports fan, and he says he is going to have to start scaling that back as he gets older. Paul met Tyler at the Edge events that he and Preston House hosted where they brought 4 speakers in to inspire audiences with mini talks on leadership. Tyler was born into Abadan. His father worked there for years and then bought out the Tri-Cities branch. From a young age Tyler would come down to the office where he would run the halls, make a mess and then having to clean it up because his father doesn’t like messes. He would do janitorial work, cleaning the building, organizing, and started working in the copy center where he was mentored by another manager. Throughout high school he did odds and ends jobs at Abadan, and every summer during college he would learn different skills. He would learn to fix the copiers which did not come naturally to him. The sum