Fire On Your Head

Keep Your Fire Burning



In today's episode of the show, I continue sharing some thoughts, reflections and revelations on the fire of God and getting closer to the purging purifying fire of His presence. What type of fire are you? Is your fire invisible, yet giving off an odor? Are you properly adding fuel to your fire, and spending time alone in intimate fellowship with the Father? Are you fueling your life with the Word of God and the oil of His presence? Are you allowing fresh winds of the Holy Spirit to fan those flames? Or are you dabbling with sin in your life so as to remove the oxygen His fire needs? Let me encourage you to stir up the flames in yourself and one another that we may burn fully aflame for the Lord Jesus Christ! In order to do that, you need to preserve your own fire and keep it burning at all times. This episode is not for ear tickling, so if you don't want to be challenged, you might as well just delete this episode from your smartphone or podcast app!