Thrive With Heather Poduska

Thrive Episode # 70 - How Can Creating A Powerful Personal Brand Help You Lose Weight (Audio)



How Creating A Powerful Personal Brand Help You Lose Weight Today we’re going to talk about weight loss and personal branding. I have some insights and thoughts that are personal to me, that I’ve experienced and I wanted to share that because it’s something a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with. As a young kid, I struggle with my weight and I got in shape as I got older, and I really worked on it. As a singer, it’s so important to look good when you’re on stage. When I started my entrepreneurial business, I started to gain weight because I was stressed. I know that a lot of entrepreneurs out there are stressed, and it’s hard not to be because you have so many responsibilities. In this podcast, I share 3 ways that honing in on your personal brand can help you lose and maintain weight, and live a more balanced and healthy lifestyle, without dieting and going to the gym.