Down At The Crossroads - Music. Magick. Paganism.

DatC #053 - Willful Bane: The Joy of Hex with Byron Ballard



Hello and thank you once again for joining me down at the crossroads for some music, magick, and Paganism. Where witches gather for the sabbath, offerings are made, pacts are signed for musical fame and we cross paths with today's most influential Pagans, occultists, and deep thinkers. I am your bewitching bald headed host Chris Orapello and tonight, we meet with past guest Byron Ballard to elaborate on some of the things she brought up during our last discussion with her back in episode #50, specifically her workshop Willful Bane: The Joy of Hex. Byron and I are joined for the first time by my girlfriend Tara as we explore the issues surrounding the magickal and ethical practice of hexing as well as learn about the usefulness of marshmallows. This conversation is definitely a good time with some thought provoking content and a few laughs along the way. Featured Songs: “Stones" by Tara Rice "Bells of Alluria" by Sharon Knight "Rootless" by S.J. Tucker "To The Morrigan" by Sencha the Vate "Cernunnos" by Omni