Down At The Crossroads - Music. Magick. Paganism.

DatC #042 - Living A Life Of Magic



Hello and thank you once again for joining me Down at the Crossroads where witches gather for the sabbath, offerings are made, pacts are signed for musical fame and we cross paths with today's most influential Pagans, Occultists, and deep thinkers. I am your lovable, hug-able host Chris Orapello and tonight, we meet with the loving and enchanting Australian visionary songstress Wendy Rule to discuss her recent escapades and activities, her thoughts on the Pagan community, and her popular online course Living a Life of Magic which will be entering into its third year. All this and more, enjoy! Renowned Pagan Visionary Songstress Wendy Rule and her partner Timothy Van Diest present an exciting 13 month online journey through the year’s Lunar cycles. Deepen your connection with Self, Nature, Community, and Spirit and discover the unique Magic within you. Together we will create a focused and vibrant community of fellow spiritual journeyers, which will enable us to share our knowledge, exchange ideas, and create