Down At The Crossroads - Music. Magick. Paganism.

DatC #035 - The Geek Creation Show with Jeff Mach



In this episode, we get a little nerd-core as we cross paths with the eventful geek, Druid, and Pagan Jeff Mach who is behind such successful east coast gatherings as The Steampunk World's Fair, The Wicked Renaissance Fair, and his latest cultural homage to geekdom with the Geek Creation Show! I learned about Jeff and his work from an interview done by Heather Greene featured on the Wild Hunt Blog. Along with his events, we also discuss the crossover that often exists between geek culture and Paganism and if I could, every download of this episode would come with it's own slice of bacon unless of course you don't eat bacon, in which case I would just recommend that you pass the bacon onto someone who does. Featured Artists: Sharon Knight MC Lars S.J. Tucker Leslie Fish Sora Damh the Bard