Down At The Crossroads - Music. Magick. Paganism.

TI&TB #004 - Combocast with Haunted NJ



And now for something completely different! This is our first combocast with Garret Husveth and Gordon Ward from Haunted New Jersey; this being their seventy third overall podcast and our fourth. I just want to let any new listeners know that this is not a usual episode of The Infinite and the Beyond, however, it is a fun one and I hope you enjoy it! Tara and I catch up with Garret and Gordon, we listen to evps, and cope with the blues band that was unexpectedly rehearsing in the room next to us.  Don't worry, The Infinite and the Beyond will be back with its regular show format in the next episode, but until then I hope you enjoy this little treat with the guys from HNJ!