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S3E1: Trish Clark and 48 Hour Film Project New Haven



Tess and Chris talk to returning guest, Trish Clark, City Producer for 48 Hour Film Project New Haven, about the upcoming film competition 07/26-07/28/19 and the typo that started it all. Find out more and sign up today at www.48hourfilm.com/en/new-haven-ct !!! CFW will see you there! Link to 48HFPNH city winner 2016: "5150": https://www.48hourfilm.com/en/new-haven-ct/films/20017  Follow us at "Connecticut FilmWorks" on youtube and facebook: www.facebook.com/connecticutfilmworks and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpyTFfQpybFOt_wgFkUkkkw  Produced with assistance by Running Brook Productions LLC: www.runningbrookproductions.com  Credits: Hosts - Tess Pellicano and Christian Szokolay Producer- Tess Pellicano Editor - Tess Pellicano Tech Director - Christian Szokolay