Fade In:

Episode 10: Writer's Block Podcast (Part 1)



Follow a ragtag group of independent filmmakers making stories on screen and over the podcast airways. Get to know Connecticut FilmWorks and their projects through interviews with cast and crew. I interviewed the boys from The Writers Block podcast back in July 2016, and what came of it was the most entertaining and wacky episode we have done so far. In the first part of this interview, we get to know the boys of the Writers Block Podcast: Jason's special relationship with money, Ryan's heads are in the clouds, and Billy's giving everyone a hard time. How these guys inspired me to do FADE IN, I still don't understand. Check out their show "The Writer's Block" podcast every Monday on Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-writers-block/id1070978562?mt=2 And see all our BEHIND THE SCENES PICS on Twitter @ctfilmworks and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/connecticutfilmworks/  Credits: Host--> Tess Pellicano Producer/Editor--> Tess Pellicano Sound Engineer--> Matt Geoffino Studio --> Baobab Tree Studios M