
PlanningxChange 77 with Loudon Luka (Australia and Malawi)



In PlanningxChange Episode 77, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview Loudon Luka, a planner with experience in both Australia and Malawi. Loudon went to Australia from his homeland Malawi in the mid 1990's to undertake post graduate study. He gained a Post Graduate in Urban Planning and a Masters in Planning both from Melbourne University. He then commenced work as a local government planner. His final position was as planning advocate for the City of Greater Dandenong before Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Here he would present the Council position before the independent VCAT which reviewed Council decisions on appeal. He returned to Malawi in 2014. In the following years he has worked as a lecturer in Urban and Regional Planning at Mzuzu University. He was also the President of the Malawi Institute of Physical Planners for a number of years. More recently he has been appointed to the Physical Planning Council of Malawi (a higher order Tribunal much the same as VCAT). In this wide rangin