
PlanningxChange 56 with Tim Eaton - EPA (Environmental Regulator)



In PX56, the interview subject is Tim Eaton, Executive Director of Regulatory Standards, Assessments & Permissioning at the EPA, the State of Victoria's environmental protection authority. In recent times, environmental problems have been constantly in the headlines, with a recycling crisis, chemical warehouse fires and general concern about the impacts of a rapidly growing population's waste. The interview was recorded before a live audience (a first for PX) at the VPELA State Conference in Lorne.  Tim speaks of the need to be seen as a regulator and provide guidance and in some cases education to local authorities, industries, planning review boards and the general community. The EPA has been in existence nearly 50 years (commenced operations 1 July 1971) and in this time massive improvements have been made to air, water and general amenity levels (noise etc). Tim speaks to the new environmental regulations proposed and the different emphasis these controls have on user responsibilities. In a world wher