
PlanningxChange 54 with Orlando Harrison - urban designer (Tract)



Orlando Harrison is a well experienced (but youthful) urban designer practising in a very contested space. Urban design is the half brother of both architecture and town planning. It straddles both fields but at times lacks certainty as to its legitmacy; neither fish nor fowl. Orlando takes an optimistic approach to the uplift that urban design can provide to citzens not just in the elitist wealthy inner city but also in the much distant struggling outer suburbs where the majority of residents live. An inspiration lesson in the simple fact that professionals are honourable when they realise their obligations and dedicate themselves to the productive and enjoyable use of scarce urban resources. With a backdrop of flatlining productivity, stagnant wages growth and an end to a resources driven economic boom; Orlando points to the need to make cities key economic drivers. This can be achieved in part by making them pleasant and enjoyable spaces. An interview with a delightful 'twist of lime'. Podcast produced by