
PlanningxChange 51 with John Henshall (Author & Economist)



In PX51, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview John Henshall a Melbourne based economist who has recently authored 'Downtown Revitalisation and Delta Blues in Clarksdale Mississippi - Lessons for Small Cities and Towns'. John has previously appeared in PX21 which was released in October 2016. His book is about Clarksdale, a small town in Mississippi, USA and how the local community has revitalised the long-dilapidated downtown, with the renewal based on the town's intimate association with Blues music and the culture that flows through the Mississippi delta. He highlights underlying trends in downtown decline and revitalisation in cities in towns and cities in America, together with commentary of his own experience at home in Australia. This book delves into the positive role played by creative and risk taking individuals in the economic revitalisation of small places and provides a template for others to follow. The book provides useful insights to all planning professionals and those associated with place