
PlanningxChange Broadcast 20 with Nick Tweedie SC (barrister)



IN PX20, Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview prominent and widely respected barrister Nick Tweedie. Nick specialises in planning related disputes with frequent appearances before VCAT and Panels Victoria. Nick orginally hails from Perth Western Australia and discusses what he enjoys about his new home town of Melbourne. He talks about the respective roles of advocate, expert witness and decision maker. The discussion also examines the structural and inherent difficulties in developing sound planning policies. Although based on the Victorian experience it will be of interest to practitioners in other states and countries. Nick recently appeared before the Independent Panel that considered the built form review for central Melbourne. Of this most important of reviews, Nick explains his disappointment at the quality of the submissions that sought to justify the changes. A reminder that planning policy has significant implications on the well being, choice and opportunities available to citzens. A broad rangin