
PlanningxChange Broadcast 14 with Mark Sheppard (urban designer)



In PX14 Jess and Peter interview Mark Sheppard one of Australia's foremost urban design experts. Mark has recently published 'Essentials of Urban Design', an A - Z guide to the fundamental concepts of urban design, providing the understanding and tools needed to achieve better design outcomes. In a broad ranging discussion, Mark discusses what went wrong with cities in the post war period and provides a host of remedies to improve the city experience. The interview covers such issues as reinventing the suburbs to cater for an increasingly diverse range of household types, place making, apartment design and how many different professions which influence city spaces can contribute to good urban design outcomes. He also makes various predictions about the shape of city form to come and the use of technology in making better decisions. PX14 is the final podcast for 2015. Music: Intro - Breezy House by Qronix, Outro - From the Basement to the Roof (radio edit) Club Cheval. Podcast released December 2015. Planningx