Talking Terps

Ramzy Nasrallah from Eleven Warriors Previews Ohio State



Today in the SVP Lounge, Ramzy Nasrallah from Eleven Warriors joins CT to talk Ohio State, last year’s wild ride to the college football playoff title, the Buckeyes’ struggles this year, how to fix the offense, who to fear on defense and much more. Plus: CT hangs out solo to discuss Gary Parrish’s CBS Sports article on Mark Turgeon.   Topics discussed include: Ramzy gives a rundown of the roller coaster that was the end of the Buckeyes’ 2014-15 season, describes everything as surreal  There’s a list of reasons why last year’s magic hasn’t completely transitioned to the new season A lot of fans are nearing crisis mode, Ramzy thinks Ohio State is a few small fixes away from turning into that team at the end of last season Urban Meyer suggests using JT Barrett inside the red zone, CT thinks trying out some new offensive wrinkles against the Terps is the perfect time to experiment Ramzy insists Maryland will give Ohio State its best shot, like every other team Ohio State has played some ugly games against inferi