Talking Terps

Year In Review: The 2014-15 Maryland Basketball Season



This week in the SVP Lounge, CT, Dan, Matt and Eric convene one last time to look back a successful 2014-15 Maryland basketball season and look ahead to a promising 2015-16 season with the news of Diamond Stone’s commitment. Thanks to everyone who listened this year. This was easily the best season of the podcast and our next should prove even better.  Red Shell Radio will record monthly throughout the offseason until college football looms in August. Once the Maryland football season is underway, the podcast will resume it’s weekly schedule of posting a new show every Tuesday morning from the start of football season to the end of basketball season. Topics discussed include:  Thoughts on West Virginia getting drubbed by Kentucky Two of the Final Four teams are from the Big Ten, Terps 3-1 against Michigan State and Wisconsin Who’s your team MVP? Dez and Melo both got all-conference honors, but if they only gave one of those out, who do you hand it to? Who’s your non-Dez, non-Melo MVP? What about the next ti