Everything Endurance

E17. Running the wainwrights with Paul Tierney



On June 20th, Inov8 Athlete, Paul Tierney completed an astonishing feat in 6 days, 6 hours and 5 minutes. Paul took the record for the fastest time to complete all 214 of Alfred Wairight's Lake District Peaks in one go. Paul, a former police officer from Ireland, battled sleep deprivation, exhaustion, bad weather and an unquenchable desire for chips as he beat the previous record by almost 7hrs. In this latest episode of Everything Endurance, Will, Kris and Paul discuss running a bloody long way in the lakes, covering route planning, kit choices and the all-important snack tactics. To read more about his epic achievement head to https://www.inov-8.com/blog/paultierneywainwright/