Wiki History!

Wiki History: Women Warriors of the Civil Rights Movement



Welcome back to where we are remembering history and we’re making history.  We continue in this third wiki history podcast about Less Famous People involved in Civil Rights. In this podcast, we will focus exclusively on women who participated and died in the struggle for civil rights. Why should we spend an entire podcast focusing on women heroes of the civil rights movement? Great question. I think that I can give you a great answer. I noticed, in my research on civil rights heroes, that there were lists devoted to this subject by organizations that I respect. When I read the lists, I found very few women.  Perhaps only one or two on a list of twenty or thirty people.   It seems like the stories about women heroes are not being told, they are being forgotten and that’s completely contrary to what stands for.  There are other reasons but I will discuss those reasons in the context of a larger issue that will be presented towards the end of this podcast. Stay tune