Wiki History!

Wiki History: Marches 1



Welcome back to!  This is the place where we are remembering history and the place where we are making it. March is an interesting month: winter melts into spring, schools take a long—and much-needed break and many of us are still on a high from last month’s Black history month celebrations and remembrances. With all the great stories, achievements, and contributions, Black history month is a very hard act to follow. But March does have its strengths.  This month, the theme will be marches. You know, when people get out and march, protest and make demands on the government for changes, improvements and justice.  I’m talking about that important and powerful form of protest: marching.    Yes, in March, we will discuss marches. We’ll discuss famous marches. We’ll discuss not-so-famous marches.  We will also examine why we march.  And, during March month—and every month—I would love to hear from you if you’ve ever been involved in a march. What was it like? What were you marching about?  What do