Wiki History!

History is Power! Lecture: The Civil Rights Movement (Marches & Protests)



History is Power: The Civil Rights Movement   Welcome back to where we are remembering history and we’re making history!  Today, we are continuing with next part of our History is Power Lecture series.  Today’s lecture is about Civil Rights but let’s back up for a moment for those who are just joining us or to refresh our memory.   Remember, we began by asking why it is important to know African American history. I think that the legendary Jackie Robinson answered that question by encouraging us to believe in fairy tales. Remember on his first day playing with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, he almost could not believe it because he thought that an African American might not ever play in the major leagues and he thought that he would never be the first to do so.  But they did and he was the first. So, he says that he believes in fairy tales…that fairy tales do come true because it happened to him. At the end of the first lecture, we concluded that if it could happen to him, then it can happen to