Wiki History!

Wiki History: Black Explorers 1



The African American Explorers 1   October 13th was Columbus Day in the United States. He is celebrated for his explorations to/around India in the 15th century. Today, we know that he didn’t actually make the trip to India and we don’t want to discuss what he did in the Americas, but there is no denying that Christopher Columbus was an explorer. Of course, there have been (and still are) many people who show the courage to leave their own shore in search of distant lands.  We hear their shories of courage (and sometimes conquest) in history classes and on the Discovery Channel or PBS. But we don’t often learn about African American explorers and their burning desire to explore strange new lands and go boldly where no one has gone before.   This podcast will introduce you to African American explorers and show you that while the world is getting smaller and smaller, the adventures and explorations are getting greater and bolder. The boundaries are endless. The only limit is your imagination, your courage, an