One In A Billion

Season 5 Episode #10: Reflections on 2020



With less than ten days before Thanksgiving, my podcast team and I find ourselves counting the innumerable ways that we have been challenged, and the unpredictable opportunities that have come our way in 2020.  So in today’s Season 5 True Colors Episode #10 Reflections on 2020, we each will share our voices expressing our thoughts and feelings about some of these life-changing experiences. But we will kick off with Kira Oman’s story. Before the pandemic, Kira moved to Hollywood to build her acting and modeling career. But as the coronavirus spread and some of her family members were infected, how did she think differently about her move away from home? How did 2020 impact her career and life priorities? What surprises her about herself that the pandemic has uncovered for her, for the better? Here’s our conversation.  Music Used: One in a Billion Theme Song by Brad McCarthy The Dance of the Sky by MMFFF Flux by The Ghost in Your Piano Bumbling by Pictures of the Floating World Convergence by Pictures of the Fl