One In A Billion

Season 4 Episode #8: This Asian American Life- Searching



When was the last time you had a talk, or a fight with your father?  What might trigger your urge to call him, or to reflect on what’s been missing in your relationship? In Part 1 of my interview with Mimi Wong, a New York based writer and multimedia producer shared her story, first published in  “How Watching Asian Father on Screen Helped me Face My Own.”  The movie “Searching.” prompted her to dive into deep personal thoughts about her father, Asian fatherhood and media portrayal of Asian masculinity.  Music used: One in a Billion Theme Song by Brad McCarthy Hlice by Monplasir Inspirational Outlook by Scott Holmes Little Tomcat by Josh Woodward We want to include you in this conversation. To send us your comments or stories, just go to our Facebook page or our website at under “Pitch a Story.” Share your thoughts? Pitch me a story? “One in a Billion” is listening to #China, one person at a time.Subscribe to “One in a Billion” below: PRx | iTunes | SoundCloud