Side Quest Podcast

Coaches Corner: The Star Wars Geek Out Special



Star Wars: it's more than a cultural phenomenon. It's the retelling of ancient myths in a new and profound way. For a majority of nerds and geeks, it's often what made us realize that we were nerds. Raise your hand if you ever picked up a broomstick, a mop handle, anything that resembled a sword, and imagined it was a lightsaber. I did it. And I know you did, too. Star Wars, for me, is sacred. The stories it tells, the images it provokes, the characters in that world all provide meaning and lessons during the toughest times of my life. After Revenge of the Sith, I thought that was it. No more Star Wars. But now with Disney at the helm, we have a whole new set of stories that are opening up to us as fans. With the release of Rogue One this week, I wanted to change up coaches corner and turn it into a giant geek out on Star Wars. I'm not all fitness all the time. And this episode is a whole lot of fun.   In this episode we discuss:   Darth Vader The first time we saw or were introduced to Star Wars The pronunc