Side Quest Podcast

Why the Idea of Balance is Bullshit



It's the great white buffalo. Moby Dick. The Holy Grail.   Everyone is looking for it. But the sad truth is: you'll never find it.   It's not there. It doesn't 100% exist.   I'm talking about balance.   Remember balancing on a see-saw as a kid? Or standing on one leg?   You wanted to prove you could do it. That you could hold a position in perfect balance without quivering.  Sometimes you did---briefly---and other times you failed.   When it comes to health and fitness, people are searching for perfect balance. How can you balance good nutrition while eating the foods you love.   How can you balance work, life, responsibilities, and your goals of weight loss or muscle gain?   Balance is the perfect nirvanic state that you think is achievable.    Here's the truth: it's not. Balance is bullshit.   You're always teetering and tottering one side of the middle. You're never perfectly in balance.   That's not to say that striving for balance (or perfection) isn't a noble course. But, it's not about the attainment o